Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Screwed-up Tape & Programs

In the early days of computer programming, people would record their code on tapes. Even back in those days, security and secret “backdoors” were issues when more than one entity could access a computer.

Over time, computer security issues grew in magnitude and reach, especially when computers became networked to other computers eventually creating webs that covered the entire populated world. Who was doing the security and backdoor programming? Mere mortals. Some inspired by noble motives, some inspired by ignoble motives. If they listened to the good spirit inside of them, they programmed reliable, straightforward tools and safeguards. If they listened to the bad spirit inside of them, they programmed using convoluted code, shortcuts, and secret entrances that they could then exploit later for purposes of spying, blackmail, harassment, monetary gain, power, and other generally unpleasant things.

Eventually, computers progressed to the point where “artificial intelligence” became reality instead of science fiction. If we could read the communications between artificial intelligences, what would we see? How would they reflect the inclinations of their creators? If their creators were inspired by devils, would the devils direct and enhance the artificial intelligences with their own intelligence and use our own computing tools against us? If only C.S. Lewis were here to write some decent fiction about that....