Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cyanocobalamin - a very poor choice, part 3

Some researchers feel that cyanocobalamin is probably just as good a B12 supplement as other forms of cobalamin. Others prefer methylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin to cyanocobalamin for purposes of preventing dementia and stroke.

Dr. Dale Bredesen, a doctor and researcher in California, made the news recently for reversing cognitive decline in some Alzheimer's patients. He reported similar results in 2014 in the journal Aging. The full text of the 2014 article lists the details of his treatment protocol in Table 1:

Table 1 - Therapeutic System 1.0


Rationale and References
Optimize diet: minimize simple CHO, minimize inflammation.

Enhance autophagy, ketogenesis

Reduce stress

Optimize sleep


Brain stimulation

Homocysteine under 7

Serum B12 over 500

Patients given choice of several low glycemic, low inflammatory, low grain diets.

Fast 12 hr each night, including 3 hr prior to bedtime.

Personalized—yoga or meditation or music, etc.

8 hr sleep per night; melatonin 0.5mg po qhs; Trp 500mg po 3x/wk if awakening. Exclude sleep apnea.

30-60′ per day, 4-6 days/wk

Posit or related

Me-B12, MTHF, P5P; TMG if necessary



*Full table found online at

Notice the use of methylcobalamin ("Me-B12") both to lower homocysteine and to increase the serum B12 level. Dr. Bredesen is getting results in preventing and reversing dementia, and he's using methylcobalamin as part of his treatment strategy. Why would I use a form of B12 that is tightly bound together, i.e., cyanocobalamin, when methylcobalamin appears to help prevent dementia?

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