Thursday, September 15, 2022

Home experiments with diamond rings and electromagnetism

 Today I pulled out a clock radio with an extendable wire FM antenna and experimented to see whether running certain kinds of metallic circles along the antenna would affect the FM reception. My engagement ring--made of gold alloy with ten tiny diamonds set into the band--noticeably enhanced the reception (especially the volume) when I rubbed it up and down the FM antenna. And that was through a plastic coating on the antenna.

I grew up with the saying, "The body is a temple." I think we should all start thinking of our bodies as "antennae," too. We have iron constantly pulsating throughout our bodies, and there is plenty of water and electrolytes to help carry electrical charge. Electromagnetic field changes are connected to nearly every process in our body--muscle movement (including our intestines), heart contractions, and neuronal communication, for examples.

Over a year ago, after reading some Amish romance novels and noticing that they never wore wedding rings or any rings, I decided to try going without my rings for a while to see what happened. About two weeks later, I noticed that my thinking was quite a bit clearer. I felt like I had "gotten my brain back." (And then months later when I stopped putting epsom salts--magnesium sulfate--in my laundry loads, my thinking cleared up even more. I don't know whether that was due to not having additional magnesium residue on my clothes or not having additional sulfate on them. But I'm careful to do the extra rinse cycle now on our clothes washer.)

There are so many ways that our adornments, body cleansers, toiletries, and clothes can carry materials that could affect the electromagnetic fields in and around our bodies. I think everyone should experiment with variation and going without of such items (well, not entirely without clothing :) ) to see how they feel after a test period. And everyone should probably avoid tattoos entirely. Getting a tattoo is like permanently painting an antenna, and who knows what any given paint, depending on its metallic or crystalline content, will do to them? If they get a tattoo that is detrimental to their health, they are stuck with it until they can pay to get it removed.

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