Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Decoding the "copybook headings"

The author Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about the "gods of the copybook headings." That clue led me to work on decoding the chapter headings/photo captions/FYI side paragraphs/etc. in scriptures (yes, the 1980s version of the Book of Mormon has encoded messages in its chapter wonder publishing has a reputation as a "cut throat" industry...they're full of unpleasantries) and science textbooks.

Here's the algorithm that I've been using with a lot of success on copybook headings to find references to nutritional (and other types of) secrets that have become less secret since the books were written:

1) Count the numbers of digits in each word.

2) Pair the digits to get a larger number (not addition...just stick them next to each other.

Example: "The slow, pink elephant" is "34, 48."

3) Divide the results by 12. Add the result and its remainder.

Example: "34, 48" becomes "2 remainder 10" and "4 remainder 0." That then becomes "12, 4."

4) Further add digits together for results that were larger than 12.

Example: No change needed to "12, 4."  ("13, 4" would have become "4, 4.")

5) Use the Hawaiian 12-letter alphabet (A,E,I,O,U,H,K,L,M,N,P,W) on the numbers.

Example: "12, 4" becomes "W O." (You might have to shift the decoding by +/- 1, 2, 3, 4, or even 5.

6) Use a "clock" cipher (A-N, B-O, C-P, D-Q, E-R, F-S, G-T, H-U, I-V, J-W, K-X, L-Y, M-Z) to change doubled letters. 

For example: "4, 4" becomes "O O," which then becomes "B."

Have fun looking for significant words and hidden references to people who the author knows! If using the Hawaiian alphabet doesn't work, feel free to try Greek, Tongan, etc. alphabets. Just be sure to change the number you divide by in step 3 to fit the alphabet. Also remember that frequently H=A, W=O, and V=U (I guess it's hard to have enough vowels otherwise).

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