Saturday, September 7, 2024

Example of a decoding exercise that yielded a reference to Masonic handshakes and a possible botanical secret

On August 21, 2024, I posted a blog post about decoding chapter headings and photo/figure captions from books (especially textbooks). It is at 

Tonight, I decoded a very long photo caption (one for Ernest Rutherford in a chemistry textbook) that appears to have a Book of Mormon tie-in. The surrounding text pointed to the 25-letter French alphabet (leave out "w" as it was not in use in French centuries ago) as the one to use instead of the Hawaiian alphabet I discussed in my August 21 blog post. After counting letters in word pairs, dividing by 25, and adding the quotients to the remainders, as outlined in that same blog post, I got the following line of letters after shifting two letters ahead:


The underlined words stood out to me:


Y-it-X-old law-AK-knuckles-UIXVL-token-VA-opt-LNJ-boss-UTOJBM-liege

which separates to give: "it old law knuckles token opt boss liege" and YXAKUIXVLVALNJUTOJBM.

The first phrase appears to be a reference to Masonic handshakes and the like.

The second part, when interpreted with the X-reversals and the "ol" ring cipher I mentioned in my blog post of July 30, 2024 (, looks as follows:


YX-IUKA-VLVALNJUTOJBM (do one X-reversal)

Y-IUKA-VLVALNJUTOJBM (do a second X-reversal)

YIUKAVLVALNJUTOJBM (find the O's and L's to prepare to apply the "ol" ring cipher to some segments)


This to me looks like "yucca is N jute kin." Yucca (which is not cassava/manioc) species are New World plants with fibers used for textiles; jute species are old world plants with fibers used for textiles. The primary jute species used for fibers is "Jute mallow or Jew's mallow or Nalita jute (Corchorus olitorius)," per Wikipedia. When I look at photos of their seeds and seed cases, I can see how jute and yucca could indeed be kin, or related. Per their botanical classifications, yucca and jute don't appear to be related, but those classifications are subject to change and sometimes seem unreliable.

The Book of Mormon repeatedly talks about people in America making and wearing "fine-twined linen":

silks … and fine-twined linen, 1 Ne. 13:7 (Alma 1:29; 4:6; Ether 10:24).

women … did make all manner of cloth, of fine-twined linen, Hel. 6:13.

See Scriptures|Study Helps|Topical Guide at Some have thought it meant flax, but that was apparently not a pre-Columbian crop. Looking at the distribution of jute species in the area of the Arabian peninsula, I think it makes more sense for the migrants in the Book of Mormon to have taken the seeds of a lesser-known jute species over to the Americas and used its descendants to make clothes. By selective breeding, they could have easily ended up with a plant that resembled some of the modern yucca species.

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