Monday, September 16, 2024

Possible terrorism connection decoded together with a reference to a type of lesser known ion channels formed by a fungal molecule

Because of messages I've been decoding in my chemistry book captions, I started learning recently about alamethicin (ALA), a voltage-gated, ion channel-forming peptide. First, to clarify what ion channels are: "Ion channels are protein assemblies that transport ions across cell membranes." (See "Multi-oligomeric states of alamethicin ion channel: Assemblies and conductance," 2023,

Ion channels are located within the membrane of all excitable cells,[3] and of many intracellular organelles. They are often described as narrow, water-filled tunnels that allow only ions of a certain size and/or charge to pass through. This characteristic is called selective permeability. The archetypal channel pore is just one or two atoms wide at its narrowest point and is selective for specific species of ion, such as sodium or potassium. However, some channels may be permeable to the passage of more than one type of ion, typically sharing a common charge: positive (cations) or negative (anions). Ions often move through the segments of the channel pore in a single file nearly as quickly as the ions move through the free solution. In many ion channels, passage through the pore is governed by a "gate", which may be opened or closed in response to chemical or electrical signals, temperature, or mechanical force.

(Excerpt from 9/16/2024 Wikipedia article online at

And why should we care about ion channels? In this time of so many mental issues, especially in our teenagers and young adults, they are very important:

The cyclic activation of these channels influences neurotransmitter release, neuron excitability, gene transcription, and plasticity, providing distinct brain areas with unique physiological and pharmacological response. A growing body of data has implicated ion channels in the susceptibility or pathogenesis of psychiatric diseases. Indeed, population studies support the association of polymorphisms in calcium and potassium channels with the genetic risk for bipolar disorders (BPDs) or schizophrenia. Moreover, point mutations in calcium, sodium, and potassium channel genes have been identified in some childhood developmental disorders. Finally, antibodies against potassium channel complexes occur in a series of autoimmune psychiatric diseases.

("Major channels involved in neuropsychiatric disorders and therapeutic perspectives," 2013, 

Alamethicin is a protein from fungi that forms channels in the presence of electric field." (See Alamethicin is a very small clump of a few amino acids that comes from fungi. It is abbreviated as "ALM." This is attention-grabbing to me because it means that it or similar compounds can be present in anything made with yeast. That means in bread, fermented food/drink, and anything flavored with yeast extract. 

Peptaibols, a family of nongenomically synthesized antimicrobial peptides extracted from fungi, mediate ion transport through permeabilization of membranes. Permeabilization mechanism via formation of ion channels was proposed for several of them, such as antiamoebin (1), trichotoxin (2), and alamethicin (ALM) (3). Peptaibols consist of 5–20 residues, most of them hydrophobic, that assemble into simple bundles of α helices surrounding a water-filled pore, which acts as a conduit for ions. Assembly usually takes place in the presence of an applied transmembrane voltage. In contrast to large, genomic ion channels, peptaibols are not endowed with complex features, such as selectivity filters, gating, or activating mechanisms. 

("Multi-oligomeric states of alamethicin ion channel: Assemblies and conductance," 2023,

I think in a time when we have electronic devices constantly near and/or on our bodies, we should be paying close attention to anything that can affect ion channels in our neurons. Instead, I just recently discovered the existence of these nonselective ion channels that can be formed by millivolts of electric charge.

Last night I was quite concerned when I decoded a caption that had to be decoded in a tricky way. When I did what the picture--which showed ion channels in a neuron--indicated I should do to decode its caption, I got "ALMOUNLHNHEKPLJAJNHMO" as a result. The only word I could pull out of that is "ALM" (as in, giving alms to the poor). That left me with this string of letters: "OUNLHNHEKPLJAJNHMO" Doing doubles-cancellation on it, I got "UEKPANHM." That appears to be "UK-PanAm." Which, to anyone who has learned about the global war on terror, sets alarm bells going off. In 1988, a Pan Am airplane blew up mid-air, killing 259 people.

Pan Am Flight 103 (PA103/PAA103) was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via a stopover in London and another in New York City. The transatlantic leg of the route was operated by Clipper Maid of the Seas, a Boeing 747 registered N739PA. Shortly after 19:00 on 21 December 1988, while the aircraft was in flight over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, it was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew in what became known as the Lockerbie bombing. Large sections of the aircraft crashed in a residential street in Lockerbie, killing 11 residents. With a total of 270 fatalities, it is the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the United Kingdom.

(Excerpt from 9/16/2024 Wikipedia article online at

The Lockerbie bombing is not only tragic, but it's not "in the past." One of the alleged bombers is set for trial next year in May 2025. Why would there be a reference to the Lockerbie bombing together with a reference to a little-known type of ion channel creator and neuron ion channels? Is there a terrorism connection? What official agency would I bring this to the attention of? The FBI?

[Update 9/17/2024: Here's a scan of the neuron photo and its caption so you can see what I'm talking about. 

The "trick" in decoding is, at about the halfway point in the caption, to shift the letters -7 and then right before the end instead to shift by +3 as indicated by the numbers in the caption. The book is Conceptual Chemistry, Fourth Edition by John Suchocki. I don't think Suchocki encoded the information. I think something or someone associated with the publisher or the publishing software is responsible for doing that. Computer programs--and information technology generally--have lots of layers where people can insert coded information.]

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